Professional Development

Function-Based Thinking Multi-Tiered Systems of Support


Function based thinking is behavioral science concept that is an integral component of a systemic multilevel models for prevention and intervention empowering all educators to provide behavior support more efficiently to all students by considering the purpose(s) challenging behaviors serve. Educators can use this knowledge to guide responses rather than exclusively relying on traditional forms of “discipline” such as timeout and suspension programs that may inadvertently reinforce challenging behavior causing it to increase rather than decrease. Rather than staying stuck in the cycle of problem-punish-problem-punish with little to no success or looking for the new “magic solution” program or curriculum, schools need all educational staff to have a clear understanding of the underlying concepts of behavior science and core components of a successful MTSS model and use this knowledge to guide their responses at all tiers of support in order to work smarter and not harder.

Summit Behavioral Services Workshops


Advanced Behavioral Collaborations partners with Summit Behavioral Services to capitalize on their more than sixty years of collective experience on the “front lines” providing behavior support in schools. This experienced professional development team offers a variety of engaging and practical workshops on multiple topics that build on the foundation of the Function-Based Thinking Multi-Tiered Systems of Support workshop. More information.

Exceptional Child Online Courses


Advanced Behavioral Collaborations partners with Exceptional Child to provide two affordable, convenient, self-paced, online courses focused on Tier One of the Function Based Thinking Multi-Tiered System of Support. Subscribers will also get access to Exceptional Child’s extensive professional development library provided by leading special education experts. An additional course on Tier Two Strategies is anticipated to be available Fall 2021! More information.